The effect and function of pearl powder 3

The effect and function of pearl powder

1. Whitening the skin
The pearl essence contained in the pearl can promote the microcirculation of the skin, accelerate the metabolism of cells, and accelerate the digestion of aging cells. Its unique bioactive whitening factor can effectively inhibit the activity of tyrosinase and nourish the production of melanin. The production of “melanin” is the culprit for the “darkening” of the skin, and melanin “will cause dark, uneven and spotty skin, which is the source of” black “; Long term strong ultraviolet radiation can also cause skin to turn black, whether it is in spring, summer, autumn, or winter. To achieve fair skin, it is necessary to do sufficient sun protection and isolation work. Spot removal and whitening not only need to resist free radical oxidation, improve SOD activity, but also inhibit tyrosinase activity, reduce melanin production, and achieve natural whitening. Pearl powder precisely has this effect.
2. Effective freckle removal
The Compendium of Materia Medica has long recognized pearls as a fundamental remedy for treating skin pigmentation. The book records that pearls are effective in removing facial blemishes. Modern medical research shows that the pharmacology and ingredients of pearl powder are the nemesis of skin alienation. The unique nourishment contained in pearls can enhance the physiological functions of the skin, accelerate the metabolism of skin cells, and accelerate the breakdown, aging, and shedding of pigments. Its unique bioactive ingredients can effectively inhibit the activity of tyrosinase, reduce melanin production, and achieve the effect of fading and eliminating pigmentation.
3.Oil control and acne removal 
Most acne is caused by two reasons. One is that some girls have oily skin, with overly developed sebaceous glands and excessive sebum secretion. If the pores are blocked or due to other reasons, the sebaceous glands continue to secrete sebum, which accumulates in the pores and becomes acne. Another reason is that there is an imbalance in hormone secretion in the body, leading to acne on the skin. This reason is more common during adolescence. Hormone secretion imbalance can indirectly cause excessive sebum secretion, further exacerbating the condition of acne. To comprehensively solve the problem of acne, nano pearl powder can be taken orally and applied externally. The main purpose of topical use is to control oil and keep the skin dry. Externally applied to the skin, it can effectively adsorb and remove excess sebum, and clean deep dirt. The main method used is the clear water facial mask method, that is, use a small amount of pearl powder mixed with a small amount of water to wipe on the face. After 20~30 minutes of cleaning, the skin feels very smooth. Then mix pearl powder with moisturizer and apply it to the face to moisturize the skin. Taking pearl powder orally has an excellent effect on reducing internal heat (from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, acne is caused by excessive internal heat), or it can regulate hormone balance, which is very helpful in solving acne problems.

4. Eliminate wrinkles
The pearl essence contained in the pearl can supply the skin with amino acids and essential trace elements, and repair the damaged cells. Its unique anti-aging factors can effectively achieve anti-aging and wrinkle effects.
5. Enhance the body’s immune system
The various beneficial minerals and trace elements contained in pearls can enhance the activity of the anti-aging factor SOD and amino acid carrier peroxidase in the human body, and have the functions of promoting cell culture, delaying skin aging, enhancing skin gloss and elasticity.
6. Clearing heat and detoxifying
Pearls are produced in the cold deep sea and are one of the four major South China Seas in China. They can regulate the endocrine system, regulate liver meridians, improve microcirculation and endocrine disorders, and promote metabolism. Due to physical deficiency, dry climate, and poor environment, they can cause excessive heat and fire, as well as sore throat, mute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, infantile chancre fever, damp heat jaundice, cloudy urine, hypertension, bad breath, and constipation;
7. Calm the nerves and calm the nerves
Pearl relieves depression, calms nerves, regulates heart and meridians. Due to irregular lifestyle, work pressure, and high intensity of brain use, it can cause mental confusion, tension and anxiety, irritability, depression and forgetfulness, dizziness and tinnitus, anorexia and fatigue, palpitations and insomnia, excessive dreaming, and neurasthenia, which can lead to heart disease patients and children crying at night when frightened

8. Brighten the eyes and eliminate haze
Clear the liver and clear the eyes, dispel heat and dispel haze, calm the liver and conceal yang, and enhance vision. Generally, patients come from middle-aged and elderly people, and due to excessive liver and gallbladder fire, they may experience redness, swelling, pain, retinal congestion, excessive secretion in the eyes, blurred vision, visual impairment, and decreased vision;
9. Regulating the endocrine system, regulating the liver meridian, improving microcirculation and endocrine disorders, promoting metabolism. Endocrine disorders caused by irregular dietary habits, excessive smoking and drinking can lead to liver qi depression, kidney deficiency, spleen and stomach deficiency, digestive dysfunction, insufficient qi and blood, long spots, and acne;
10. Muscle growth and convergence, hemostasis and anti-inflammatory
Cooling blood to stop bleeding, reducing swelling and pain, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying, removing pus and decay, promoting muscle growth and convergence, causing sores in the mouth and tongue, acne, dysentery, eczema and wet sores, swollen and toxic sores, athlete’s foot dampness, pediatric prickly heat toxin, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cervicitis, cervical erosion, small area water and fire burns, and external bleeding

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